Do you belong in BIRTH101 or BIRTH201?

Do you belong in BIRTH101 or BIRTH201?

We are often asked which class is best for moms and their support people if they’ve already had a baby. Great question! We’re excited to share our thoughts on that to help you choose. Consider this your placement test! Have you had an unmedicated (on purpose) birth...
Wichita Falls Birth & Wellness Center: CABC Accreditation

Wichita Falls Birth & Wellness Center: CABC Accreditation

The past 8 months at the birth center we have devoted many hours towards meeting accreditation requirements through the CABC (Commission for the Accreditation of Birth Centers).  While this has been a painstaking process it has made us an even better birth center. Is...
Behind the Scenes New Year’s Eve Birth Story

Behind the Scenes New Year’s Eve Birth Story

By Wendy Fowler-Doula, Childbirth Educator, Office Administrator and Student Midwife We know that you love to read birth stories and people love watching shows like Call the Midwife in which you get to see birth stories unfold from the staff’s point of view, so we...
7 Reasons You and Your Natural Birth Plan are NOT a Hot Mess

7 Reasons You and Your Natural Birth Plan are NOT a Hot Mess

“I’m a hot mess!” I hear that phrase a lot these days as a self-descriptor for women who are a little unorganized, a little different, and especially from those who live life a little off the beaten path. I also hear it from women who are wearing their leggings, “I...
Haley’s Story-The Birth of Dakota Wayne~Part Two

Haley’s Story-The Birth of Dakota Wayne~Part Two

I dozed off briefly and woke to three contractions in a matter of 15 minutes. I was too uncomfortable to continue lying in bed so I moved back to the yoga ball. Around midnight, I woke Austin to keep me company. Around the same time, I texted Michelle, my doula,...
Haley’s Story-The Birth of Dakota Wayne~Part One

Haley’s Story-The Birth of Dakota Wayne~Part One

The journey of Dakota’s birth actually started over 2.5 years before he was born. You see, Dakota has an older sister, Kamren. She’s my first baby and man do I have a story about her birth, but since this is about Dakota, I’ll keep it simple. I gave...


By Lenora Nepper, CNM APRN As I stand outside 912 Burnett Street and look up at this beautiful building, I can’t help but think how blessed and how fortunate I am to be a part of the Wichita Falls Birth and Wellness Center!  When I started midwifery school in the...
Elderberries and Immunity

Elderberries and Immunity

Now is the time to start getting ready for cold and flu season.  I am always trying to do what I can for my family to help boost our immune systems and have found using elderberry syrup to be extremely beneficial.  One study has shown that an extract in elderberries...
Lessons from Alaska

Lessons from Alaska

Lenora is One Smart Cookie I’ve watched Lenora run circles around younger midwives while talking about the latest evidence based practices. The other midwives know of them, for sure, but Lenora knows who published the research and when and probably has a copy of it on...
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