Breastfeeding Education and Support for New and Expectant Mothers
At Milk Spot, We Offer:
- Monthly Group Breastfeeding Course
- One-on-One Breastfeeding Education Session
- Latch Assessment
- Tongue-Tie Assessment
- Routine Development (for back-to-work pumping/feeding schedules)
- General Troubleshooting Visit
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I didn't give birth at the birth center? Can I still be a client to the lactation clinic?
Should I make an education appointment or just call if I have a problem with breastfeeding?
We encourage new moms to take our Breastfeeding 101 class and/or schedule a one on one education session prior to birth, but it is also ok to call when you have an issue. Both are common and normal.
How much does a visit cost? Do you take Medicaid? Insurance?
How do I know if I should come in for a visit?
If you are having trouble with a painful/difficult latch, low milk supply, slow infant weight gain, suspect a lip/tongue tie or if you’re just struggling and need reassurance, please reach out!
What if I am using both formula and breastmilk?
It is common for mothers to feed via breast and bottle. No judgement here! We can help find a balance, troubleshoot any issues and move toward exclusively breastfeeding if that’s your goal.
“Whenever and however you give birth, your experience will impact your emotions, your mind, your body, and your spirit for the rest of your life."
- Ina May Gaskin
Searching For Your Dream Birth Team?
Call today to set up an appointment or inquire about our community resources.